What is a refraction test?
Even if you are seeing well with your current glasses, refraction testing is required to determine your best corrected visual acuity and the findings can be used to provide you with a new, legally valid glasses prescription. This test involves placing various combinations of trial lenses in front of the eye to determine the best combination for sharpest vision. The test normally takes between 10 and 45 minutes, in addition to the rest of the scheduled visit. After this test, our doctor may adjust the numbers for maximum visual comfort so your final prescription is tailored specifically to give you the best sight possible. We can measure the approximate prescription in your current glasses, but these readings are not enough to write a valid prescription without a refraction test, even if you are seeing well. Note: If you decline to have a refraction performed, you will not receive a new prescription and we will not be able to provide you with one in the future from today’s appointment.